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HResults to launch
HResults Academy in 2009

HResults has announced the establishment of the HResults Academy.  Distinct from traditional development offered around Human Resources and Talent Management, the Academy is designed to address the “thinking” that happens when making decisions around people issues.  Dialogue and development programs will be presented from three diverse, but intertwined perspectives:

  • HR Professionals understanding the need to go beyond traditional technical and “business partner” role stereotypes;
  • Business Leaders and Managers who understand the importance of talent management and who realize they can better utilize the professionals available to advise them;
  • The “Virtual” People Decision Making Table where the two groups work together.

HResults is partnering with experts from the corporate, academic and consulting communities to develop and present unique and practical learning experiences.  HResults Academy will offer both public forums and customized in-house programs.  Details on specific offerings will be available shortly.

For more information, contact us.

HResults Academy

The role of Human Resources has evolved dramatically over time from administrative watchdogs to a business critical function with significant impact on all strategies and programs involving people.

Increasingly, organizations have come to the realization that people comprise a major portion of their overall expenditures and a key to their ultimate success.

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Organizational Strategy
HResults’ strong background in organizational dynamics, along with our creative approach to looking at people challenges, offers organizations a fresh perspective on employee engagement and retention.

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